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No.6446求人 » Urgently Wanted Japanese Chief in Tasmania 日本食職人急募

掲載日時:2010/03/16 22:15


This is theFULL-TIME position as a JAPANESE CHIEF @ Mikaku Japanese restaurant in Tasmania.
The role is to make suhi and prepare Japanese food, such as Udon, Tempura and many more. Chief has to teach staffs so English is the must. (Your English doesn\\\

職種,技術,特徴など:, ,

  • 求人企業:Mikaku Japanese Restaurant
  • 採用担当者:Nina
  • Tel:0420 278 338
  • PR:This is theFULL-TIME position as a JAPANESE CHIEF @ Mikaku Japanese restaurant in Tasmania. The role is to make suhi and prepare Japanese food, such as Udon, Tempura and many more. Chief has to teach staffs so English is the must. (Your English doesn\'t necessarily have to be in the professional level if you can communicate and work with other staff! ) Chief has to work minimum 8 week and must be experienced. This position will come with following benefits besides payment. ・ Airfare (Domestic ONLY, Resident in Melbourne or in Australia would be desirable but if you are thinking of coming to get this job, please spend for International fright to get to Australia by your own.) ・FREE accommodation (most likely to be in the hotel close to the restaurant) ・ meals. It is challenging but fulfilling job! Pay will be decided after the negotiation. If you are interested, please call Nina 0420 278 338 as soon as possible. No email please. タスマニアにありますMikaku Japanese restaurantでは、フルタイムの日本食料理人を探しております。 職務内容は寿司作り、うどんやてんぷら、その他の日本食の調理です。料理人としてスタッフを指導することがありますので、英語は必須です。(仕事に支障がないくらいの英語でかまいません) 最短勤務期間は8週間で、以前日本食の料理人として働いた経験が必須です。 給与のほかに以下の三つの特典がついてきます。 ・飛行機代(国内のみ。メルボルンやオーストラリア国内在住者が望ましいが、日本からくる場合はオーストラリアまでの渡航費は自費で、到着地からタスマニアまでの飛行機代は支払われる) ・宿泊地(勤務地に近いホテルになると思われます) ・三食 新しく挑戦することもあり、やりがいのある仕事です。 給与額は雇用主と交渉後、決定されます。 興味のあるかたは今すぐにでもNina 0420 278 338(英語のみ)にご連絡ください. メールでのご連絡はご遠慮願います。

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