




ご注意ください:「荷受代行」・「荷物転送」アルバイトにご注意!(速報)(2016/7/22 国民生活センター)

No.9094求人 » 音声データの文字おこし

掲載日時:2011/01/26 12:17


Native speakers of Japanese required to work as transcribers.

Appen requires native Japanese speakers to do transcription work. Work is on a flexible basis (minimum availability 10 hours per week) to transcribe or correct transcriptions of recorded speech.

Appen is a dynamic and growing organization in the speech technology industry. Appen is a world-leader in its focused area of professional services for the speech and language technology industry.

Requirements: Fluency in Japanese and accurate spelling; Good typing skills required; Access to a computer with the latest version of Firefox 3 and Flash Player (links provided to install these).

To apply to be a transcriber, register using the link below and sit the spelling test in your language via our web-based transcription tool:


For further information contact: Peter Bell, [email protected]

職種,技術,特徴など:, ,

  • 求人企業:Appen
  • 採用担当者:出井郁子
  • Tel:メールでお問い合わせください
  • PR:Native speakers of Japanese required to work as transcribers. Appen requires native Japanese speakers to do transcription work. Work is on a flexible basis (minimum availability 10 hours per week) to transcribe or correct transcriptions of recorded speech. Appen is a dynamic and growing organization in the speech technology industry. Appen is a world-leader in its focused area of professional services for the speech and language technology industry. Requirements: Fluency in Japanese and accurate spelling; Good typing skills required; Access to a computer with the latest version of Firefox 3 and Flash Player (links provided to install these). To apply to be a transcriber, register using the link below and sit the spelling test in your language via our web-based transcription tool: http://appenonline.appen.com.au/ For further information contact: Peter Bell, [email protected]

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